söndag 13 juli 2014

That's it folks!

Yes, it can finally be stated without deception that the Soccer World Cup is over!

In the finals, two teams competed against one another, and in the end one of them won. No surprises there, since that's the exact turn of events I had predicted all along.

During the match, people kicked the football a large number of times, and the team that won scored the most goals against their opponent.

The incidences of icing and the ball being out of bounds somehow didn't stop the match from ending the way it did.

In other news, the two parties in the american parliament disagree with each other on numerous points.

In contrast to this, the Korean government made an official statement.

Following this news, Sweden announced that it refuses to take sides in the football, calling themselves "Not associated with association fotball", instead relying on the Germans to carry the torch for Europe.

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