onsdag 22 december 2010

Amazing talent!

Here's one that I've been contemplating for a good while, and with good cause.

In short, there are a lot of people in the world who have talents that I don't.

Yes, I know it's hard to fathom that I'm not an expert at everything, but just entertain the thought for a moment.

I have some things that I'm damn good at, but I keep being amazed at the things other people can do.

Take painters, for instance; people who can draw and paint something with easy. Myself, I have a really hard time at this. Just painting a few strokes is trouble in my book, but there are people who can just sit down and paint masterpieces like you've never seen.

Oh, and while we're at it; maths!

In my head, mathematics is jibberish. It doesn't make any sense whatsoever in my head, yet there are people to whom the numbers lay down like a bed of flowers.

Maybe I'm just happy there are people who can do all that stuff, because I sure can't, and I can't imagine what it would be like to be able to in the first place.

lördag 18 december 2010

Harry Potter...

...is an absolute moron!

Really, he's a bonehead.

It's a miracle that he survived the books, because he sure as hell worked hard enough to avoid it!

Just look at that whole episode in the Ministry of Magic.

He gets a vision telling him Sirius is in trouble.

A smart person would figure that it's most likely a trap, and just double check with the magical mirror to see that everything is fine.

A slightly less intelligent person would not realize that it is a trap, but would still check with the mirror to see if Sirius is okay.

An even less intelligent person would not realize it is a trap but alert Snape, so that he can put the entire Order of the Phoenix on the job.

Now, a stupid person would try to break into the headmistress' office and attempt to use the floo-network to contact Sirius.

A complete and utter arch-idiot, the stupidity of which is unparalleled, would try the floo thingy, fail, alert Snape, yet still run off to the Ministry of Magic to try and stop Voldemort.

Now, let's say it hadn't been a trap, then Harry and his gang would have been faced with a reborn Voldemort in all his glory, as well as a horde of death-eaters. Surely, even if it wasn't a trap, it would still be a fucking trap, because Voldemort would still be there to catch Harry!

My god, the idiocy of it all! Hadn't fate been favouring him all along, he would be dead in a ditch by the second book!

onsdag 15 december 2010


I don't like when things change. In general, I'd like things to stay the same forever.

However, I want things to improve, so they have to change in order for me to get what I want. The eternal paradox of my existence.

The main problem with change is that it's not a game of sums, or at least it isn't in my case.

Let's say you lose a friend, but gain another friend. Some may think that you come out even, but the gaining of a friend doesn't change the fact that you lost one.

After all, people aren't just numbers, every friend is different, so losing one means losing a unique individual.

I don't like losing friends, and it seems to hit me particularly hard when I've been alienated from one, and no other friend will ever be able to replace that person, because they aren't the same.

In the words of Cardew Robinson; "They say when you gain a lover, you begin to lose a friend, that the end of the beginning's the beginning of the end".