lördag 1 september 2012

Horror, or what passes for it...

What the fuck happened to horror?! When exactly did horror movie makers decide "Fuck it, I've had enough, let's never make another psychological horror experience ever again!"?

Don't believe me? Name one horror movie made in the last decade that's actually been scary. Other than Dead Silence, that is, which is creepy as all fuck.

The remakes of Texas Chainsaw Massacre, Halloween, Friday the 13th, Nightmare on Elm Street? Oh come on, those are all just action movies where people you don't give a fuck about are killed in exceedingly gory ways

That's not horror. Horror doesn't squick you out, it terrifies you, it makes you afraid to go to sleep, in other words it doesn't simply make that bacon sandwich you're eating seem slightly less apetizing.

The latest example I've been watching is The Final Destination. It's essentially the same as all the other movies in the series; a guy has a vision of his and his friend's deaths, so they get out of there and then death hunts them down in extremely gory and contrived ways.

Now, that series has always been shit in the "Horror" department, and not even once has it actually tried to get under your skin. What does it do? Show you gore and incredibly weird coincidences that lead up to someone biting the dust. Of course, gore doesn't have to be a bad thing, but when you make a series of movies where it is the one and only point of the movies, then it totally is.

I can't help but draw a parallell to porn in how it's presented, and it's not a coincident that there is such a concept as "Gore-nography". See, there's always the same buildup of tension before the person dies, and it ends with an orgasmic crescendo where the moron gets stabbed through the head or whatever. And it's even more like porn in that other movies generally stick to softcore gore, Final Destination goes all in and throws hardcore at you. Most movies cut away when someone is actually crushed by a falling pane of industrial strength glass or shot ten times with a nailgun through the head, but these movies seem to relish in it. It's like the movie makers actually got a jolly out of the whole thing. Instead of showing the money shot, most movies leave the boning implied, but Final Destination has no such consideration.

It's shit, that's what it is!

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