torsdag 17 januari 2013


Hmmm...I'm supposed to find something fascinating to write...shit...

I just got hit by the feeling my life isn't particularly interesting.

Meh, whatever!

Today I'd like to talk about unhealthy stuff. I really couldn't care less about it. Take smoking or drinking or eating too much, I really don't give a damn. I know that drinking too much at parties now and then will probably not do wonders for my lifespan, but I can't muster the energy to give a crap about whether I live to be 75 or 74.

Now, don't mistake me for one of those tossers who go "Live each day like it's your last", because they are not only stupid, they are also hypocrites. Because, let's face it, they don't live each day like it's their last, they plan ahead and prepare for tomorrow and worry about the past just like the rest of us. It's just a meaningless platitude that some people spout because it sounds deep and philosophical.

How about simply enjoying the good stuff when they happen, and fondly remembering them afterwards, while also preparing for more good stuff further on down the road? There's nothing wrong with thinking about the future or the past, we all need to do that, but that doesn't exactly preclude us from thinking about the present as well, does it?

Look to the future. Always do that. It's not a bad thing. What matters, however, is that when good shit happens to you, you enjoy it and don't exclusively bother yourself with how it'll affect your future prospects.

Because, in all honesty, future you is a cunt, so fuck him!

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