söndag 16 juni 2013

Fun Facts!

Yup, that's right, I'm gonna do one of these. Thing is, mine won't be bullshit. Whenever people try to quote some fun facts, they really only manage to spout some crap that has no grounding in reality whatsoever.

So, I'm not gonna do that. I'm going to only mention stuff that I've actually checked up on.


That's an order!

  • Coca Cola has for the longest time contained trace amounts of cocaine, but doesn't anymore. Nowadays, it just contains an extract from depleted coca leaves, made by one single factory that is the only one in all of the US that is allowed to process the leaves.
  • While Coca Cola Zero and Coca Cola Light are not identical in the flavour formula, it is not true that they are distinguished by using different artificial sweeteners. See, the mixing of the actual product and the choice of sweetener differs between markets, because Coca Cola only centrally produces the syrup itself, and various authorized bottlers across the world handle the bottling and mixing. Thusly, the same kind of Coke can have different sweeteners in different areas.

  • Elvis Presley was a natural blonde. Yeah, suck on that hard hitting fact!

  •  You've probably heard about Emilio Estévez, but what about his brother Carlos or his father Ramón? Or, as they're probably better known, Charlie and Martin Sheen.

  • The name of the band KISS has a very dark and vicious origin and meaning; stopping at a red light one day while trying to come up with a name for the band, Paul Stanley suggested "KISS", and Peter Criss and Gene Simmons basically just went "Okay, that works".

  • The title for the song Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds (Or LITSWD for short) had fuck all to do with LSD. The Beatles weren't exactly unfamiliar with enjoyable mood enhancers, but nobody seemed to realize what choice words in the title spelled out until after the release. Heck, the drawing that Julian Lennon made of his friend Lucy in the sky with some diamonds (See what happened, there?) is still preserved. Wouldn't it have been less hassle for Lennon to just admit that the title referenced LSD than make a fake drawing and then presumably indoctrinating his son into thinking he made it? Remember, kids; when judging a conspiracy theory, always consider if it's bad shit bonkers compared to the alternative explanation. This one is.

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