onsdag 19 juni 2013

The console market!

Oh dear, it's happening again!

What, another nuclear holocaust scare? Another plague of mantits mantises?

No, there's a new console generation in the works. Good grief, let the bullshit commence.

Of course, we've got the usual lineup of Xbox, Playstation and Nintendo Wii consoles, of which only the latter is actually out as of yet, and already the companies and players have started bugging the everloving dick out of me.

Take the XBox One, or XBone as it's officially known. We don't know much about it, except that Microsoft seem determined to take all the things we either hate about the current SexBox and make them the core selling points.

Hey, do you love always online and have a stable high-speed internet connection wherever you go? If you don't, there is, according to Microsoft, there's this little piece of shit called the Xbox 360. The XBone is for real gamers, who have awesome internet that they use...well, for watching movies, television and chatting with their friends primarily, rather than play games, because those are the features that Microsoft think will attract the most gamers to the system.

At this stage, it's pretty obvious that the XBone represents the ADHD side of the business; Microsoft don't have a single clue what to focus on and just slap random shit on the ExBoner, and can't pay attention to the customers' preferences for half a second.

Meanwhile, people are whining about how the Wii U is essentially just Nintendo's attempt at catching up with the 360 and PS3, while at the same time it's a next generation console.

Oh, of course, because processing power is all that matters.

I can't for the love of me recall even once having played a new AAA title and saying to myself "Damn, this game would be awesome if it didn't look like shit! I can't wait for someone to remake it in the future to look better".

Let me be absolutely clear here; processing power is the very last thing I take into consideration when buying a new console, just under the size of the bar code on the box in terms of importance.

Maybe the games for the Wii U will all be shit, but then it won't be the fault of the hardware being only on par with the PS3.

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