tisdag 30 december 2008

Year In Retrospect!

Everybody seems to be doing them this time of year, for some unknown reason, so I guess I should obey my instant eagerness to bunnyhop onto the bandwagon like I always do!
I'll just sort all the important events of the past year in a simple "Bad, good, and fucking weird"-manner. Will I be arsed to actually sort it chronologically? No.


I managed to get rid of my two inferior guitars and buy me a Gibson Les Paul. *Fucking Awesome!

The release of the new Alone In The Dark-game.
*Fucking terrible. Forget global warming and nuclear proliferation, Alone In The Dark is way worse!

Moved from the wonderful city of Stockholm to the dreadful hive of scum and villainy that is Hallsberg.
*It's so bad...

Finally received help for my depression in the form of pills that need to be taken in increasingly large quantities to stave off complete and utter despair.
*Neutral, nothing much has changed.

Fallout 3 was released.
*Fucking sweet!

I got an AT-ST walker in LEGO, 40cm tall, as a christmas gift from my siblings.
*Fucking awesome!

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