torsdag 19 februari 2009

Fucking hell!

See, I recently watched an episode of Bullshit! wherein they raved on about idiots who want to ban all forms of cursing and profanities.
So, I'll just procede to list pretty much all the expressions containing "colourful metaphores" that I consider perfectly fine to use in any regular sentence!

Fuck, shit, hell, shagged, screwed, sucks, blows, sucks ass, sucks monkeyfuck, fuckwad, fuck off, fuck you, screw you, go to hell, eat me, bite me, dick, suck it, shit the fuck, fucking suck it fucks, tits (not in any way a profanity, I just feel inadequate as a man without making at least one mention of female breasts each day), cunt, motherfucker, dickhead, fuckhead, pussy, asshole, anus, american, fat stinking jerk, pimhole, fusk, clothprunker, smucktating and finally, pempslider!

There are many other combinations and variations upon these expressions, of course, and I strongly urge all who read this to keep inventing new ways to cuss, and I will be delighted the more inventive people turn out to be when it comes to profanities!

Naturally, I will also be equally disgusted if an attractive female friend of mine, no particular one in mind, does not greet me with the words "Hi there, you old cunt". Because in all fairness, who wants to be known as a complete pussy?

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