lördag 21 februari 2009

Video Gaming!

As everyone who's ever asked me "Are you into video games?" knows well by now, I'm into video games! Not that there's much time for that inbetween meeting hot chicks and drinking large amounts of alcohol, playing guitar, bass, piano and singing, but it just goes to show what we already knew; I'm fucking awesome!

Through the years, and with increasingly powerful graphics cards and varying price, the expectations on the gaming experience have gone the way of the Challenger; high into the air then exploded in a determined effort not to have to go down again.

So I sat at my computer and was bored out of my mind from the lack of anything interesting to play. I had Spore, Command & Conquer The Complete Fucking Collection, Oblivion, Call of Duty 1-9, yet I had stopped enjoying them.

Hence why I bought the Xbox 360. Got a good deal for a used Premium at my nearest GAME-store. So I had to buy some games for it. Those games ended up being Perfect Dark Zero, The Darkness and King Kong, incidentally all FPS-games.

Previously, I had thought FPS gaming could never work well on consoles because of the lack of mouse+keyboard. But oh was I ever fucking mistaken. It was much, and I do mean MUCH, more fun to play it with a controller!

The Darkness was completely awesome, Perfect Dark Zero was a great FPS, just a tad short, and King Kong, in spite of being one of those hated License-games made to capitalize on the success of a great Hollywood-movie, had smooth controls, pretty decent graphics and is so long I still haven't finished it, which immediately puts it in the upper echelon of all the games I have ever played in my life! That, and you get to control a fucking giant gorilla, can it get more awesome than that?!

I feel the need to make a special mention of The Darkness, simply because it is quite a unique game, both when it comes to story and gameplay. Chances are, you have never played a game quite like it, and you probably never will. It goes places that most FPS games would fiercely avoid, and if you're willing to disregard the miniscule lip-movements of the characters, this game will draw you in like a power-ballad by Cinderella!

Next I bought Too Human and Far Cry Instincts: Predator. Far Cry was...disappointing. The graphics were not at all up to snuff, and the controls were much too jerky, which made aiming a tedious hit-and-miss (Hilarious pun, non?) affair.
Too Human was another thing entirely. It is something as unique as a hack-n-slash/RPG hybrid. You get to upgrade your skills, choose class and upgrade your equipment, but mostly it consists of killing tonnes of machines. The game did appear slightly iffy to me, though, because the character is somewhat too limited in many way, it feels like you would need much more tools of destruction as well as restoration to be able to tackle some of the harder encounters.
But the game just tends to disarm my criticism with how well the presentation works. The graphics are top-notch, the characters and story are funny as hell at some points, cutting a mechanical troll down to size is really satisfying, and more.
You'll die often, though, and you'll tire of it pretty quickly, since every single time you die, a valkyrie descends and picks up your corpse allowing you to respawn. But it's not as bad as you might thing, for me it's more like an opportunity to rethink my strategy, which is fairly rare in such games.

Oh well, that'll be all for tonight!

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