måndag 27 september 2010

A new start!

Seeing as how I've gotten complaints, all from the same person, about my lacking tendency to update this here blog, I hereby declare I will be updating it every single day from now on.

Naturally, this will result in the quality of content dropping and me just posting useless nonsense of no intellectual value that will probably qualify as gossip.

In other words, nothing will change!

Last week I had something of an uncomfortable experience in class. We were being taught the incredibly complicated and ludicrously roundabout art of academic writing. To this end, we were first told to make a mind-map on the subject of football.

There are two problems with this; the first is the fact that I hate mind-maps. They confuse me and give me no incentive whatsoever to be productive in any way, form or fashion. The second is the fact that I have no relationship whatsoever with football. I don't hate it, I don't love it, it just completely falls off my radar. This exercise went poorly.

Our second exercise was to make a list of things that sprung into our mind regarding the subject of Paris. I performed slightly better at this.

Lastly, we were asked to write in a free flowing manner on the subject of parks in cities. Sadly, it was marred by the fact that both the teacher and the rest of the class regarded this method as some kind of unknown monstrosity, never before seen in this part of the world. They all seemed to act as if I was expected to think this was the hardest way of getting off to a start with writing an essay.

Just to clarify, I'm doing it now for christ's sake!

At this point, I had to ask whether or not any of them had ever read a single blog entry in their entire lives. In response to this, they all looked at me as if I had just asked them whether or not they were in the habit of forcefeeding a hamster C4 while jerking off!


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