söndag 28 november 2010

Business as per usual!

Y'know what really grinds my gears?

Plot holes!

You know, parts of the story in fiction that just don't add up.

When the Rebel Alliance manages to destroy the second Death Star in Star Wars VI, they've suddenly won completely! Never mind that huge imperial fleet completely dwarfing theirs.

Like Ackbar said; "We won't last long against those star destroyers!", so why were those star destroyers no longer a problem after the destruction of the death star?

It seems to be a symptom of the lack of ontological inertia. In essence, that's the notion that if you destroy whatever created something, that something will also be destroyed. Thus, if you kill the emperor, the entire empire vanishes into thin air.

That's not how the world fucking works! If my father dies, I don't instantly cease to exist!


Is it really too much to ask that the creators of a movie or series actually think through what happens so that it makes sense?

Now, what REALLY grinds my gears is legions of fans instantly jumping in to defend their object of adoration at all cost!

They suddenly go like "Oh, but the emperor was doing his battle meditation, which made the imperial fleet much more effective, and without it they lost the battle!"...

Fuck off! That bloody "battle meditation" thingy wasn't invented until about twenty years after that movie was made!

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