So, after a bit of a hiatus I'm back in action, having had quite alot of to think about but nothing I wanted to share.
The subject for today is cheap tricks in comedy.
Y'see, there are a few things that I somehow feel are beneath me as a comedian; tricks of the trade that, while they may actually get some laughs, appeal to the least civilized part of the human brain.
I don't like them. It's depressing that comedians can actually become well renowned while dealing exclusively in these, so I'm gonna be ripping on them extensively tonight!
First, there is the shouting. Why the hell are people so bloody convinced that if you're being loud, you're being funny? Stop fucking shouting! Just because you say it extremely loudly doesn't mean it's funny by default!
Somehow, I can understand exaggerating a point in order to make it amusing, but just shouting doesn't accomplish that in any way. If you make a bad joke, it doesn't get any better because you scream it, it just gets embarrassing, like a standup comedian giggling at his own jokes; the audience sits there wondering if they should laugh out of pity or just boo the moron off the stage!
Second, there are the references to genitalia. Oh, so she said vagina? Well then, she must be funny, ha ha ha ...shut the fuck up! It's just the most insipid way of trying to coax people into laughing; say penis, and you're funny, because we're not supposed to say penis! ...shut the fuck up!
Basing your entire routine on such words is to comedy what americans are to the rest of the world; dumber than a bag of wet mice and as subtle as a half-brick to the skull!
Third, the aforementioned giggling to yourself... don't you think the audience can figure out when to laugh? Do you have to tell them "Oh, I just said something funny! (you should laugh now!)"? Hey, time to wake up, all you're doing is looking like a self-centered prick who wouldn't recognize a good joke if it smacked them across the skull with a cricket bat!
1 kommentar:
Hear, hear.
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