I find myself time and again annoyed at human behaviour.
Why is it that people always stand up five minutes before the train reaches the station? I mean, you aren't actually gaining anything, apart from annoying people by elbowing them and shoving your luggage in their faces!
Also, why can nobody wait for people to get off the fucking bus before getting on it?
Why are people so bloody upset about the use of profanity, going so far as saying someone is unintelligent or possesses a limited vocabulary because of it?
Surely, being able to use strong and colourful expressions is an important way of making one's point?
The very worst part is when people use silly faux-profanity instead, as if the important thing is the words themselves instead of the meaning behind them.
If you say "Fink" instead of "Fuck", then all you're doing is giving the same meaning to another word, you aren't actually doing anything better, you just look a twat!
Words are not evil! People can be evil, intentions can be evil, but words can't!
1 kommentar:
Tror det bottnar i att det anses ofint att visa negativa känslor för kraftigt. Särskilt när de är riktade mot en annan person.
Rätt självklart att sådant inte gillas eftersom de negativa känslorna smittar av sig.
Själva orden är ju mestadels inga starka tabun längre. Att tala om djävulen, avföring, sex etc. Det är väl snarare själva attityden bakom som upprör folk.
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